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Work, Debt, and Christian Witness past Fall we taught a course on “Work, Debt, and Christian Wi

Work, Debt, and Christian Witness past Fall we taught a course on “Work, Debt, and Christian Wi

tness,” which attracted a diverse selection of pupils in theology, ethics, and ministerial studies. An important quantity of the pupils had worked formerly within the business globe, with nonprofit companies, or in the industry of legislation, which helped result in the program a good learning experience in my situation.

The goal of the program would be to familiarize pupils with alterations in workplace conditions therefore the growing prevalence of financial obligation in US life, also to provide them with some feeling of the ethical and theological problems posed by these brand brand new circumstances.

Beholding Economic Life

The basic rationale for a program such as this is: Christians must live away their religious commitments in a landscapes profoundly etched by financial forces. (more…)